Select Page Type
Choose any type of puzzle you want whether it's a Crossword, Word Search, Mazes, Sudokus and more. Insert text pages or make a Journal book.
- Choose from our template library.
- Combine puzzle types.
- Select the size and difficulty of your puzzles.

Generate Word Lists and Clues
Use the Puzzle Wizard to help you create the word list and answer clues for your Word Search puzzles and Crosswords.
- Use the wizard to create all answers.
- Manually input your desired answer clues or keywords.
- Let the wizard select the topics for your puzzles or manually insert them.

Drag and Drop Pages in Any Order
After generating your book, use the Page Order section to easily organize your document the way you need it.
- Drag and Drop to order your puzzles inside your book.
- Select the order your answer pages will appear.
- Insert new pages or delete them.